
mid week dinner....yes please

I love having a chef friend.  This calls for random, mid-week roasts!  Dinner with Jenn and Shane never disappoints....and I always end up trying something new (might I add always on a plate that is presented perfectly).  They also have the cutest pets! Not pictured was a beet and basil salad.....SO good!


week update via iphone v.2

I had a fun time through Instagram this week....

(Top to bottom, left to right)

-The cutest beagle pup (next to Chloe that is) that I met at a housewarming party
-Morning in front of the office
-Having a fun date night with my lovely friend Victoria
-Dark Side lipstick, one of my faves.
-Feather earrings I've created
-Snow...(please go away)
-Quality time with Jenn
-Beer and music date with my pops
-Delicious candy


easy tortilla bowls!

I meant to post this earlier, as I had made this meal for my 2 friends who got engaged at the end of last year.  It was my first time attempting these "bowls", which I took inspiration from Fresh Mexican Grill, a little burrito stand near my office that makes these bowls and are SO delicious.  Here's what I did....and I recommend you try it!

-two onions, one white, one red
-one zucchini
-one red pepper
-2 chili peppers
-3 avocados
-shredded cheddar/mozerella (or your fave cheese)
-sour cream
-canned tomotos
-canned sweet corn
-canned "mixed beans"
-canned black beans
-meat or "filling" of choice (I used lean ground beef)
-large tortillas

-combine meat, canned tomatos, and white onion and fry them together until meat is cooked
-cut up zucchini, red onion, and red pepper and roast them in the oven
-combine sweet corn, mixed beans, and black beans with a bit of chopped up cilantro
-mix avocado, cilantro, and chopped chili peppers for your own delicious guacamole
-drape tortillas over an upside down oven-proof container (I used little alluminum cake pans) and bake at 350 F for about 6 minutes  (make sure you keep an eye on them!).  they will form to the shape of the pan as they bake.  let them cool for a bit after you take them out and they will be ready to fill! mmmm.....

note: this made a lot of food for just 4 of us.......yay leftovers!!!

...and here's the cute last minute engagement card I made them with some leftover lace!



week update via iPhone v.1

I'm going to be materialistic right now and say that I'm completely in love with my latest purchase of the iPhone 4.  I already knew I'd be obsessed with the Instragram application well before I even got the phone.

Here's a glimpse of my week:

(Top to bottom, left to right)

-A very yum Korean dinner on St. Patricks day with Shantelle and Zee
-Waiting for the bus in the early AM
-One of my favourite Toronto sights, the priceless Honest Ed's
-Prepping for a bridal makeup trial
-CN tower
-Utopia's amazing garden veggie burger...mmm.
-Saturday night wine dates
-Magic hour at Bloor and Ossington
-Wellies in the rain


stitch n' bitch v.2

Yesterday coming home from work I foolishly missed my streetcar stop (which I never do, I don't know how that happens), and ended up strolling back along Queen Street to Ossington.  I passed the Knit Cafe, which I have walked by a million and a half times and have always told myself I'd go in, but just never had.  Of course I ended up leaving with 2 giant balls of wool, one in a soft cream colour, and one really deep purple (pictured right).  I plan on knitting 2 giant cowl neck circle scarves before it gets too warm outside to wear them!

Side note these 2 pictures were taken with my new iPhone! Sigh....I love it.  More to come.



stitch n' bitch v.1

A new tradition was started a few weeks ago when a couple of lady friends and I started getting together on Wednesdays for a weekly "stitch and bitch".  Generally consisting of more bitching and less stitching and of course your craft of choice, this has been a good excuse for the girls to be creative at least once a week (try for every day if you can), and a good excuse to see each other.  Since then we have added chick flicks and Fireball whiskey to the mix (okay, that was only one time). 

Tonight was a rather "quiet" stitch n' bitch, because if anyone living within a 100KM radius of Toronto will probably know why it isn't exactly on the top of your priority list to leave the house.  Whatever this rain/slush/heavy snow fall business is, I'm getting pretty bored of it. Time for spring please!  Unfortunately, I can only show a small glimpse of my project this week, as it is a gift (ahem, Adriane), and the shower is not for a few weeks.  But cute colours right?

Until next week....