
what is bu? launch party

I'm happy to be a sponsor for the what is bu? launch party happening on Saturday.  My friends Steph and Rose of Crywolf Clothing are hosting this event to launch their latest product called "bu".  Check them out, or better yet come to the Gladstone on Saturday for the event!  I've donated fun feathery pieces of jewellery for their raffle prizes :)


dad dates.

Nothing better than starting off summer than a yummy dinner at your local eatery and seeing some talented musicians at a great venue with your sweet pops! I love dad dates.

My sister and I got grilled chicken sandwiches with caramelized onion, brie, and roasted red peppers, and Dad got the homemade Roxton burger.  Beverages consisted of a spicy caesar, Mill Street Lemon Tea Beer, and the Roxton's local beer, Roxton Red. YUM.

We saw Sondre Lerche with opener Kishi Bashi. Love.

(photos via iPhone)